People With Special Medical Needs

Prepare Now

How to Prepare For a Disaster

In preparing for a disaster such as an earthquake, storm, or power outage, people with special medical needs have extra concerns. Try to picture yourself as you might be during such a disaster and during the three days immediately following it. What might be some of your special medical needs? This brochure has been designed as a helpful tool for you and your family as you prepare for a possible disaster.


Medical Supplies

Intravenous (IV) & Feeding Tube Equipment

Oxygen and Breathing Equipment

Electrically Powered Medical Equipment

Emergency Bag

Have a bag packed at all times in the event you need to leave your home.

People Who Can Help

This brochure was developed and produced by a group of healthcare professionals who obtained a grant from the American Red Cross Northern California Disaster Preparedness Network. The group works in San Jose, California, for Columbia San Jose Medical Center, Columbia Homecare & Hospice, Columbia Good Samaritan Hospital, and the Planetree Health Library.

The American Red Cross Disaster Education Program helps people avoid, prepare for, and cope with disasters that may occur.

To obtain hard copies of this brochure, call the Planetree Health Library at (408) 993-7156 or write to 98 N.17th Street, San Jose, California 95112.

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